Corporate Social Responsibility

For Emak, being socially responsible and accountable means showing stakeholders that we know how to measure and manage the environmental, social and economic impact of our activity, in compliance with current statutory obligations and without neglecting the importance of human capital and sustainable development.

Integrated Policies

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Integrated Policies


We were the first Italian company in our sector to obtain certification of compliance with UNI EN ISO 9001. As of 1996, the Det Norske Veritas certification body confirms that Emak meets the quality provisions of the standard and maintains them at all stages of the operating cycle: from design through development and manufacture of the product, to after-sales service. An invaluable acknowledgement, earned as a result of the perfect synergy between organizational measures adopted by management and the efforts of company employees. Today, twenty years on, Emak still works at its quality standards unceasingly, running checks to ensure that procedures, equipment and work environments are fit for purpose, so that customers can be guaranteed products and services reflecting the state of the art.

The Quality Policy

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The Quality Policy

UNI EN ISO 9001 certificate

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UNI EN ISO 9001 certificate


Certification to ISO 14001 enables organizations to improve the management of environmental obligations connected with their activity, typically the avoidance and prevention of pollution and the protection of natural resources. Standard ISO 14001 lists all of the measures considered ecologically binding at international level on businesses, and provides compliant companies with the managerial tools to help them monitor and improve their environmental performance. Like all other organizations attentive to sustainability, Emak has secured this certification so that suppliers and customers can be sure of our unwavering commitment to sustainable development, and the need to safeguard collective resources and future generations.

The Environmental Policy

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The Environmental Policy

ISO 14001 Certificate

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ISO 14001 Certificate


It is our conviction that working in a safe environment has a positive and significant effect on the quality of the work produced. To ensure the well-being of all concerned, we educate our workers to treat risk as a matter of prevention and constant awareness, promoting responsible modes of conduct and implementing a precise corporate health and safety policy.
And with continuity in mind, given the progress already made, we have also adopted an Organizational Model in accordance with Legislative Decree n° 231/2001, and set up a Supervisory Body. The function of the Supervisory Body is to verify that procedures and work instructions are effective and performed in complete safety.

The Safety Policy

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The Safety Policy

We Care

Our interactions with the world around us have always been typified by commitment and responsibility: we continue to look for new solutions, creating products that are compatible with the environment and able to safeguard its resources.
The entire Emak system, from design through to distribution, is covered by quality certification that attests to its value and reliability.
We obtained certifications in the key areas of corporate sustainability: Environment and Quality.
In caring for the ecosystem of which we are a part, our actions are always guided by sincere ethical principles. When we make promises, we deliver on them.

Sustainability Report

The concept of sustainability, wherever it may apply, is intrinsic to a process concerned with the simultaneous creation of progress and well-being in which the Emak Group is actively involved.

In effect, all our decisions are motivated by the will to satisfy present needs, but without jeopardizing the prospects of future generations. And this is because we have always believed that before taking a step forward, it is essential to know what path we intend to follow.

Conscious of the important role we play as part of the social and economic fabric, we seek to translate our vision into exemplary conduct and our business into genuine value.
